

Needed for mobile

Food education

The Charlie Cart Project provides educators with all the equipment, curriculum, training and support they need to get communities cooking.


Our mobile kitchen – the Charlie Cart – was specifically designed with schools and community organizations in mind.

The kitchen includes: a convection oven and induction cooktop; a stainless steel sink with spray nozzle and gray water system; storage cabinets for all included equipment; a power and electrical system optimized for classroom use; and a one-year fit and finish warranty.

The Charlie Cart arrives sturdily packed and ready to use.


We believe students deserve to use quality equipment to cook healthy food. Every Charlie Cart comes fully equipped with 170+ thoughtfully selected cooking tools, including pots, pans, utensils, cutting mats, measuring tools, child-friendly knives, and much more.

That means you can spend less time on logistics and more time cooking!


Our comprehensive food education program includes a 54-lesson curriculum designed by chefs and educators and aligned to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

Our curriculum includes simple, seasonal recipes that teach foundational cooking skills and lesson plans that build cross-disciplinary connections between food, health, culture and the environment.


Once you join the Charlie Cart network, you will have access to introductory training to help you get your Charle Cart program up and running.

Additionally, we provide on-going monthly programming that supports you in making the most of your lesson time, connects you with other Charlie Cart network members, and builds your confidence as a food educator.


We’re here to help! We know the challenges of rolling out a food education program first-hand. Our experts will support you and your team in reaching your goals, and we’ll connect you with other sites like yours so you can learn from your peers.
“Cooking is the most natural – and fun – way to help kids understand science and many other academic subjects. The Charlie Cart Project has the potential to make this kind of real world knowledge accessible to all kids.”
Harold McGee | Author, Charlie Cart Project Advisor
“As someone who started cooking as a child, I honor Charlie Cart’s integrated educational program that connects children to food and cooking. I am privileged to help lay the foundation for the next generation of gourmands through my work with the Charlie Cart Project.”
Dominica Rice | Chef, Activist, Charlie Cart Project Advisor

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